weigth are not changed and return the original.
weight updating method in TIMESAT.
Bisquare weight update method. wBisquare has been
modified to emphasis on upper envelope.
Traditional Bisquare weight update method.
Chen et al., (2004) weight updating method.
Beck et al., (2006) weigth updating method. wBeck need
sos and eos input. The function parameter is different from others. It is
still not finished.
wSELF(y, yfit, w, ...)
wTSM(y, yfit, w, iter = 2, nptperyear, wfact = 0.5, ...)
wBisquare0(y, yfit, w, ..., wmin = 0.2)
wBisquare(y, yfit, w, ..., wmin = 0.2, .toUpper = TRUE)
wChen(y, yfit, w, ..., wmin = 0.2)
wKong(y, yfit, w, ..., wmin = 0.2)
Numeric vector, vegetation index time-series
Numeric vector curve fitting values.
(optional) Numeric vector, weights of y
. If not specified,
weights of all NA
values will be wmin
, the others will be 1.0.
other parameters are ignored.
iteration of curve fitting.
Integer, number of images per year.
weight adaptation factor (0-1), equal to the reciprocal of 'Adaptation strength' in TIMESAT.
Double, minimum weight of bad points, which could be smaller the weight of snow, ice and cloud.
Boolean. Whether to approach the upper envelope?
wnew Numeric Vector, adjusted weights.
Per J\"onsson, P., Eklundh, L., 2004. TIMESAT - A program for analyzing
time-series of satellite sensor data. Comput. Geosci. 30, 833-845.
Garcia, D., 2010. Robust smoothing of gridded data in one and higher
dimensions with missing values. Computational statistics & data analysis,
54(4), pp.1167-1178.
Chen, J., J\"onsson, P., Tamura, M., Gu, Z., Matsushita, B., Eklundh, L.,
2004. A simple method for reconstructing a high-quality NDVI time-series
data set based on the Savitzky-Golay filter. Remote Sens. Environ. 91,
Beck, P.S.A., Atzberger, C., Hogda, K.A., Johansen, B., Skidmore, A.K.,
2006. Improved monitoring of vegetation dynamics at very high latitudes:
A new method using MODIS NDVI. Remote Sens. Environ.