Fine curve fitting function is used to fit vegetation time-series in every growing season.
FitDL.Zhang(y, t = index(y), tout = t, method = "nlm", w, type = 1L, ...)
FitDL.AG(y, t = index(y), tout = t, method = "nlminb", w, type = 1L, ...)
FitDL.AG2(y, t = index(y), tout = t, method = "nlminb", w, type = 1L, ...)
FitDL.Beck(y, t = index(y), tout = t, method = "nlminb", w, type = 1L, ...)
FitDL.Elmore(y, t = index(y), tout = t, method = "nlminb", w, type = 1L, ...)
FitDL.Gu(y, t = index(y), tout = t, method = "nlminb", w, type = 1L, ...)
FitDL.Klos(y, t = index(y), tout = t, method = "BFGS", w, type = 1L, ...)
input vegetation index time-series.
the corresponding doy(day of year) of y.
the time of output curve fitting time-series.
method passed to optimx
or optim
integer, 1
or -1
: trough-to-trough curve fitting
: peak-to-peak curve fitting
other paraters passed to optim_pheno()
: The time of output curve fitting time-series.
: Smoothed vegetation time-series of every iteration.
: Weights of every iteration.
: Final optimized parameter of fine fitting.
: The name of fine fitting.
Beck, P.S.A., Atzberger, C., Hogda, K.A., Johansen, B., Skidmore, A.K., 2006. Improved monitoring of vegetation dynamics at very high latitudes: A new method using MODIS NDVI. Remote Sens. Environ.
Elmore, A.J., Guinn, S.M., Minsley, B.J., Richardson, A.D., 2012.
Landscape controls on the timing of spring, autumn, and growing season
length in mid-Atlantic forests. Glob. Chang. Biol. 18, 656-674.
Gu, L., Post, W.M., Baldocchi, D.D., Black, TRUE.A., Suyker, A.E., Verma,
S.B., Vesala, TRUE., Wofsy, S.C., 2009. Characterizing the Seasonal Dynamics
of Plant Community Photosynthesis Across a Range of Vegetation Types,
in: Noormets, A. (Ed.), Phenology of Ecosystem Processes: Applications
in Global Change Research. Springer New York, New York, NY, pp. 35-58.
# simulate vegetation time-series
t <- seq(1, 365, 8)
par <- c(mn = 0.1, mx = 0.7, sos = 50, rsp = 0.1, eos = 250, rau = 0.1)
y <- doubleLog.Beck(par, t)
data <- data.frame(t, y)
# methods <- c("AG", "Beck", "Elmore", "Gu", "Zhang")
tout <- seq(1, 365, 1)
r <- FitDL.Elmore(y, t, tout)
plot(r, data)
get_GOF(r, data)
#> R2 NSE R RMSE pvalue n_sim
#> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1: 1 1 1 2.503802e-10 0 46
#> # A tibble: 1 × 7
#> mn mx sos rsp eos rau m7
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 0.100 0.600 50.0 0.100 250. 0.100 0